
Living within our season is not merely a concept to wrap our brains around, but a practice to embody. This is as much a divine part of how way we were created to live as it is for our heart to pump blood, or our brain to signal every space in our body with divine instruction.

We were made for this!

Intentionally choosing to embrace and connect with the seasons of life is about attuning ourselves to the natural rhythms & cycles surrounding us as we strive to align ourselves with the energy and uniqueness of each season.

Bloom {Spring}, An In Season Guide is an ebook to get your journey started. The beauty is that this is YOUR journey–it can be as in-depth or as simple as you need. Only you know! In addition to the Bloom Guide, I have created a Guided Companion Notebook and a Course to help you go as deep as feels authentic for your needs.

One guarantee I have for you is that your life will only be better for having followed through with the decision to sync your life to the rhythmic pattern you were made for.